Sep 30, 2009

Learning Names and Batik

Another great day teaching. It was particulary wonderful walking up the hall to have a few students run out the classroom and give me a huge hug. After only being with them one day they are already very affectionate. I am so happy being with them and the teachers it doesn’t even feel like work. Makes me think I may need to look into the option of teaching as a profession. I’ve always believed that when working doesn’t seem like work it’s no longer really a “JOB,” it’s just your life. Lessons today included review of the alphabet, numbers, My name is, and learning the Itsy Bitsy Spider. I also made each student (Nak rien) a nametag to help me remember who is who.

For our cultural activity we made batik- a lengthy art process involving drawing an image on a canvas spread, tracing the image with hot wax using needle-like tools (spilling any wax ruins the piece entirely), and then painting in the image with watercolor. Being that I’ve always struggled with making things perfect, it took even longer for me to complete mine. But, the end result makes me smile: an image of the happy, fat, budda holding the word “Happy” in Thai characters. Others painted images of Trang, scenery, words, hands, flowers, and patterns.

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