Sep 5, 2009

On the Plane

Last night as I was hugging my Hubby goodbye I realized I didn’t know when i would get a hug next. That was a very weird feeling, but when I arrived at the international terminal I saw an entire line of people smiling ready to check in for their own journeys. My first thought was honestly, “wow I’m the only white person here- better get used to it now” and my second thought was, “phew- this will be an adventure.” Even though I didn’t have the comfort of family and friends anymore, and I didn’t know where my next hug would come from, I knew I was in for a wild ride.

Funny note: I automatically exited my Bart train and walked to the domestic terminal. After a few strides and staring at the sign above me I laughed at myself and turned the other way to the international terminal. I wonder how many times I’ll laugh at myself on this trip...hopefully a lot :)

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