Sep 3, 2009

And it begins...

I’m on my way! What a road it has been getting to this moment... Doing the things you’re taught to do- study hard, go to a good school, find passion, live, love, learn, and then pave the way for yourself from there forward. Putting one foot in front of the other after graduation I found myself working for 4 years at a wonderful company that allowed me to grow and learn things about myself and the professional world that I never believed would unfold the way they did. Working hard let me also live my personal life well and enjoy every moment in friends, family, and love just doing the twenty-something year old thing...

At the beginning of this year I knew it was time to expand my horizons a bit. Who would have thought I’d bring myself several significant life changes. It was time to get out of the U.S. and see a new part of the world. It was time to experience love again. It was time to find something else to work towards professionally. Now it’s Sept and I’ve made all those things happen. All this has landed me in a window seat on EVA Air on my way to opening a whole new chapter.

Other things that have led me to this moment: many hours of researching and planning how to go about the adventure both safely and rewardingly, living in the south for a few weeks, being in a great friend’s wedding, juggling some new consultantship work, saying hello and saying goodbye to those I care about for the time being, mourning the unexpected passing of a dear family member, packing and repacking several times, celebrations, and too many tears. And, here I am- on the plane one hour from landing in Taipei, Taiwan.

The scariest and most exciting part about all this is that I have no idea what is next. Yes I have an itinerary, but the sites, smells, people, tastes, and all that Southeast Asia has to offer will soon jump out of a book for me and become a real, living, thing. What an adventure!

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