Sep 26, 2009

Welcome to Trang

Today marked the beginning of my reason for visiting SE Asia. I got up very early to catch a flight from Bangkok to Trang, Thailand for 8 weeks volunteering as a kindergarten teacher with Cross Cultural Solutions. I was so excited to pack, get out of the big city, and meet my new CCS Family. I got up around 4:00am to get a taxi at 4:30 for a flight at 7:00. I didn’t want to miss my flight so I left for the airport a little earlier than needed and was at the gate by 5:30. Of course with that little sleep I was exhausted and took the opportunity to lie down on a row of chairs for a nap before boarding. I made sure to sit close enough to the runway so I would hear the boarding announcement, but that apparently didn’t help. I woke up be a sheer stroke of luck at 7:00am sharp and saw no one around me or in line. After quickly grabbing my stuff I ran the few feet to the entrance and heard them call out my name as last boarding call. That was a close one!

After a quick hour’s flight I landed, got my bag, and met Jack, our program assistant who was standing holding a CCS sign outside baggage claim. I also met two other volunteers, Kailee Brownbridge, an 18 year old from Canada and Annie Sewell, a 19 year old from Los Angeles, both who are taking a break from school.

Upon arriving at our new home we were given a tour (coffee, plates, refrigerator, bathroom, etc) from Jack and had a few orientation activities including a scavenger hunt in Trang. We finished the day with a scrumptious curry dinner from Mama Thailand, “Mama T,” and by watching a few scenes of a bootlegged version of Inglorious Bastards with three other volunteers, Rupal, David, and Laurel, all whom have been here for a month already. With the German and French subtitles in the movie and the attempt to translate them into English by someone who only knows Thai, we didn’t watch much of the movie. I crawled into my new bed (I share a room for 6 with Kailee and Annie- it’s like camp all over again with our three bunkbeds) and settled in for my impending teaching adventure.

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