Oct 1, 2009

More on Teaching

It was a short week teaching as we started on Tuesday and ended in the afternoon on Thursday. I didn’t know until we arrived that we don’t teach on Fridays so we have a three day weekend each week... how spoiled! But oh, how so much can happen in just three days. The days were filled with the Itsy Bitsy Spider, Mary had a Little Lamb, Red Light Green Light, the alphabet, numbers, and so much more. I already feel so close with my students and teachers. They are wonderful people, all with different personalities and energy. My kids each learn in different ways but are all eager to take it in. Some of them have to work a little harder than others to fully understand the topic, but I can see each of them progressing with just the three or four hours that I’m with them. They crave attention, encouragement, and confirmation. They are very precise. They love to laugh and play. They are absolutely adorable.

There’s Pim who is the oldest at 6 years old. She is so bright and smiles all day long. She helps keep the younger children in line and completes her work very quickly. After a few days she has learned how to communicate with me better by acting things out, pointing, and using facial expressions. She knows I don’t speak Thai where the other kids I think are confused at times when I don’t know how to answer their questions.

Pleah is 4 years old and needs the most physical affection out of all the children. She hangs all over me and loves to be picked up and hugged. The other day she started crying because she and someone else bumped heads and she just ran into my legs and after about 2 minutes of me rocking her she fell asleep on my shoulder. It was precious.

Gun, a 3 year hold must be half Thai half Chinese. He is so tiny! I’m also thinking he may be learning some English at home because he has a superb accent. When we play “my name is” with a ball he responds right away with, “My name is Gun.” I just can’t help but smile when I’m teaching.

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