Oct 3, 2009

Massage with a Purpose

Today was a relaxed day. Rupal and Laurel were interested in getting a second massage from a school for the blind they had visited before we arrived. I would never pass up a Thai massage and especially one with a bigger purpose. I have so much appreciation for the people we met. They must struggle not being able to see, but it was obvious they had the strength and devotion to move past the hardship and see the positive. The school is run by a blind man whose warmth you could tell was purely genuine. I was told that he started it to help others in his situation build a career in massage therapy and prove that being blind shouldn’t be an obstacle to achieving your dreams.

The massage itself was very relaxing. It was the best thai massage I’ve had thus far. Not only was my masseuse talented, he was kind and patient. We definitely had a language barrier as he only speaks Thai and I only know English. Several times he had to tell me to move in another position and without him being able to see and point me in the direction he wanted, we had to work together to understand each other. I also enjoyed the fact that I was outside and could just let nature surround me. It was particularly wonderful when it started to pour with rain and I could listen to the water crash down on the metal roof above me. I tried to keep my eyes closed the majority of the time to somewhat grasp what it would feel like to be blind.

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