Oct 8, 2009

Time to bake a cake

Today was Rupal’s last day at Wat Nikomprateep which was really sad. Last night David, her, and I stayed up late making our teachers a chocolate, orange cake. I had originally wanted to make the same lemon layer cake I made for Betty’s birthday a few months ago, but the grocery store only had limes and I couldn’t find baking powder. So we decided to doctor up a boxed chocolate cake with homemade, orange flavored frosting and homemade orange curd. We had a lot of fun messing around in the kitchen. We were a little concerned our small oven and lack of western cooking supplies would prohibit our cake making abilities, but the final product turned out perfectly tasty and beautifully decorated.

It was really hard watching Rupal say goodbye to all the kids and teachers. I realized I would have to do that in a matter of time and got emotional as well. I’m really getting attached to everyone here and absolutely love Thailand. Coming back to teach again has already crossed my mind. Life is so good here.

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