Oct 2, 2009

A chill day in Trang

Because there was a tsunami warning on Ko Phi Phi we decided it would be best to stay in Trang this weekend. Khem and Jack graciously took us all out for Dim Sum which was absolutely divine. I once went for Dim Sum with Robert, my former roommate, and wasn’t really a fan, but oh my buddah. This was incredible. We had tons of food and delicious coffee/tea. Trang is known for it’s coffee so everywhere I’ve had a chance to have some, I’ve taken it.

After Dim Sum we ventured off to watch a local dance show. Cha and Jack took us. The performance had a mix of traditional movements infused with modern humor. There was one particular actor who played a woman and dressed up in ridiculous clothing and accessories. She had a penis drawn on her face, adorned purple and bright blue eye-shadow, and spoke with a high-pitched, annoying tone. One other particularly amusing aspect to the event was that we were the only ‘farangs’ there. Immediately after sitting down, the performers started to kindly poke fun at me for being so white. I could tell something was up before Jack turned to me for confirmation. While we didn’t understand a word spoke during the whole performance, we could easily understand what was going on.

At one point during the show a woman with a small baby came up behind me and handed me her child. It was a slightly strange circumstance, but nonetheless wonderful. He was probably less than a year old, but could stand on my knees and play. He wasn’t wearing any bottoms and had the cutest shaved head. We bounced around for perhaps 15 minutes before his mom came back to take him again. Closely thereafter we had some side entertainment of a group of older children playing in bubbles being blown by a friend. I got some great photographs of them laughing and having a ball.

The group of us decided to have a chill evening at home post dance show. We picked out a movie to watch and curled up on our rather cold, hard living room floor with lots of pillows and popcorn. The flick of choice was Blood Diamond which I had never seen before. It was a magnificent film start to finish.

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